Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Currents in Theology and Mission (Oct. 2021)

Two of my articles were published in the October issue of Currents in Theology and Mission: (1) "Reading Mercy in the Parables of Jesus"; (2) "The Johannine Realism about the Kingdom of God, 'Born from Above, Born of Water and Spirit' (John 3:1-21)."

The parables of Jesus deal with various issues in human lives, ranging from personal crisis to economic justice. The culture of competition and comparison has deleterious effects on the weak and marginalized. Some parables of Jesus address these problems: “Father and Two Sons” (Luke 15:11-32), “Pharisee and Tax Collector” (Luke 18:9-14), “Wheat and Weed” (Matt 13:24-30), and “Vineyard Workers” (Matt 20:1-16). In these parables, Jesus challenges the merciless society and the culture of competition, asking his audience to see others through the lens of mercy.

"The Johannine Realism about the Kingdom of God, 'Born from Above, Born of Water and Spirit' (John 3:1-21)"

John emphasizes the realism of the kingdom of God in the present. Given the Johannine community’s expulsion from the synagogue due to its faith that Jesus is the Messiah, the members of this nascent community need assurance about their new place in Christ. They are comforted and encouraged to live as children of God. They are born from above and experience a new life through the Spirit. To maintain their discipleship with Jesus, they must keep his word and stay in the light. The Advocate will come to them after Jesus is gone, and God’s reign continues to be seen, touched, and experienced in the present. As Jesus sends his disciples into the world, the Johannine community receives a new mission to love the world, testifying to the truth of God, following Jesus’ word.