Thursday, July 23, 2020

Rom 3:22 as a Snapshot of Paul's Gospel

[Courtesy of]

"God's righteousness through Jesus Christ's faithfulness for all who believe" (Rom 3:22).

Rom 3:22 may be considered a snapshot of Paul's gospel: “The righteousness of God through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ for all who believe.” There are three elements in his proclamation: God’s righteousness; Christ’s faithfulness; and Christian participation in Christ. God’s righteousness means that God is righteous and steadfast. Christ’s faithfulness demonstrates God’s righteousness: Christ’s grace, love, and sacrifice for God and humanity. But nothing will happen unless there is a response from people. God’s righteousness comes through Christ’s faithfulness for all who participate in Christ.

You are under God’s righteousness. That is, you are in the domain of God’s love and care. God is like the sun. Come out to God through Jesus’s faithfulness and his grace. This means you share in his faithfulness, dying to sin, living to God.