Saturday, April 27, 2024

Uncharted waters

I discovered skeletons and nerve systems of the Lord's Prayer in Matt 6:9-13, part of the crucial texts I examine from cognitive science and interdisciplinary theological perspectives. I enjoy treading undeveloped territories to break ground on new possibilities of meaning. I don't mean that I shattered uncharted waters. Rather, I am going through them.
Photo courtesy: FreeImages

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Pleasant encounter

A pleasant surprising encounter with John Kinney, retired Dean at our school, happened at the school's front office. He hired me in 2005. We have been aging well. Still, our topic was theology, life, and human destiny.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

I often ask myself: Who am I? What am I doing here?

I often ask myself: Who am I? What am I doing here? What kind of a scholar am I? Am I a biblical scholar or a New Testament scholar? Am I a biblical theologian or biblical interpreter? Am I a humanist who loves God and humanity at the same time? Am I a minority scholar struggling day by day? Am I a marginalized scholar voicing bold voices yet breathing short sometimes? I am very self-conscious and conscientious in all my walks and work. A year ago, Professor William P. Brown at Columbia Theological Seminary told me I was like Walter Brueggemann because my scholarship's breadth and direction are close to his. I agree. Some years ago, Larry Welborn at Fordham University told me I was like Dale Allison because of his critical scholarship with contextual concerns. All I know is I am I am. All I know is that I live in the present. I open my mind to hear new voices and follow them. I am not in low spirits. I am confident and curious about the future that holds for me.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Aspects of justice in nature?

Yung Suk Kim

While strolling through my neighborhood boardwalk, I pondered the concept of justice in nature. To come to any conclusion, I need to observe nature more closely. Nature is different from humans in many ways. First, it exists without mobility; trees and plants remain rooted in one place. Although seeds may be carried by the wind to new places, the trees and plants themselves do not move. Second, things in nature do not have a will and simply follow their genetic programming. Third, they do not have the freedom to move like humans do. Fourth, there is no protective system for justice in nature. For example, when lightning strikes a big tree, it may fall onto other trees, which are then affected and sometimes killed. All things in nature must endure whatever happens. Finally, there is no control center in nature. Everything flourishes and perishes without care.

Despite these differences, we can still ask questions about justice in nature. But what kind of justice can we apply? If justice means things like air, wind, earth, water, chemicals, or genes, it is present in nature because all living things benefit from these conditions. However, if we think about other aspects of justice such as the freedom to move or systems for protection, justice is not there. These aspects are uniquely human and apply only to the human world. 

Looking at nature from a micro perspective, however, we may identify some "ideal" aspects of justice, which can be defined as "the right mode of living" as per nature. First, plants and trees don't fight to get more. They are satisfied with what they have and do not move to take more from others. Second, they flourish together in diversity, maintaining their own identity. Third, we can learn the lesson of social justice from a mustard seed. Jesus pointed out the importance of smallness in his parable teaching. The small mustard seed has great potential to realize what it is. Even if it is the smallest seed, it grows big enough, albeit unlike a cedar tree. The point is not to become the largest tree but to realize one's potential. No one can discriminate against others based on their appearance, race, gender, class, or any social determinants.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Parables and Justice

I retrieved a book project I had started but never finished from my writing warehouse. I gave it a new title, "The Parables of Jesus and Justice: Engaging in the Contemporary World through Political Philosophy." This project is challenging because it involves multiple fields of study and tackles contemporary issues with justice.

Friday, April 19, 2024

three loves

Political theology identifies three types of love: love of God, love of oneself, and love of one's neighbor. The first and most fundamental form of love is the love of God. We must know where we come from and appreciate the origin of our existence. We must love ourselves because we are a gift from God. The love of oneself is grounded in the love of God. 

When we have a strong sense of self-love, we can extend it to others, and that is what Paul refers to in Galatians 5:14 when he says: "The whole law is summed up in a single commandment: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" A balanced and ordered love for God, self, and neighbor is essential for maintaining robust mental health. 

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Monday, April 15, 2024

Quality Research

Quality research is independent of how many hours you sit at the desk or in the library. It depends on the intensity and intuition of the mind at play freely during the day. Reading a few hours and leaving for a walk or an exercise would help me. As for me, the most productive time for deepening my research is when I am in bed before going to sleep, hot sauna time, and swimming. I write in my mind first and rewrite in my computer or notebook.

Friday, April 12, 2024

True humility

True humility does not mean that you lower yourself. It means staying true to yourself without trying to lift yourself or putting others down. See others as they are.

Solar eclipse by NASA's James Webb 2024


The compliment from a trusted colleague is not a hollow word: "You are a seasoned, gifted, proven, and creative scholar." This word means a lot to me. I am who I am. I realize what I am. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Valid biblical interpretation

Valid biblical interpretation must address current issues and inspire present living. Biblical theology or interpretation should not merely dwell on the past or future but on today's world. We seek freedom and justice in the present. I argue that "today" is the lens through which we look back to the past and look forward to the future. We always see things from the perspective of today. Time is indivisible. There is no separate past, present, or future.

All this means meaning is not fixed once and for all. Meaning is the result of ongoing interpretation in changing contexts. Biblical texts need critical, contextual interpretation from today's perspective. 
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Wall Street Times article

The Scholarly Journey of Dr. Yung Suk Kim: Bridging Worlds Through Biblical Scholarship

In the realm of biblical scholarship and New Testament studies, few names resonate as profoundly as that of Dr. Yung Suk Kim, a distinguished professor at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University. With an academic journey marked by transformative teaching, indomitable scholarship, and effective public service, Dr. Kim’s contributions have not only enriched the field but have also paved the way for a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of early Christianity.

Dr. Kim’s scholarly voyage began with his B.A. from Kyungpook National University, followed by an M.Div. from McCormick Theological Seminary, culminating in a Ph.D. in New Testament study from Vanderbilt University. His educational path was not just about accruing academic credentials but about forming a foundation for his life’s work—creating bridges between diverse cultures and fostering an understanding of the human condition through biblical narratives. The beginning of Dr. Kim’s journey was marked by an unconventional foray into the secular world, where he dedicated a decade of his career to LG, navigating through diverse cultural landscapes in Seoul, Panama, and Miami. This experience not only enriched Dr. Kim with a profound understanding of diversity but also underscored the vital importance of solidarity, principles that would later inform his academic pursuits. Continue to read

Monday, April 1, 2024

About Feelings

It's important to check our feelings because we are emotional beings affecting our decisions. We must value them and draw our actions from them. But it's equally important that we honor our willful thoughts in response to feelings. We should not be controlled by feelings alone, especially when we fall into obsessive thinking or pessimism. Our voluntary, conscious thoughts must govern our will and actions. I am not saying feelings are separate from thoughts or vice versa. They both interact with each other in ways that enhance our well-being. But ultimate decision-making is done by thoughts. While we value what we feel, what is more important is our careful conscious thoughts and actions, which drive us to feel confident. So, I am more than what I feel. I am what I think. I am what I do.

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Sunday, March 31, 2024


Happy Easter! 
Easter is good because hope is the fruit we can taste amidst chaos and nonsense. Walk the newness of life and shine the light to all.

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Friday, March 29, 2024

The Meaning of the Cross?

Image by Starline on Freepik 

I think the meaning of the cross lies in Jesus's love and grace; he risked his life to preach the gospel of love and justice. We repent in response to his love and sacrifice. We die because he died. We rise because he rose. We are reconciled to God through his grace---not through his death. Otherwise, we must pinpoint all forms of evil done to Jesus.

The Passion of the Christ
reflects Mel Gibson’s Jesus, who comes to die and is punished instead of “me.” This movie begins with a quote from Isaiah’s Suffering Servant Song: “But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises, we are healed” (Isa 53:5). In fact, within the literary context of Isaiah, the figure of the suffering servant does not refer to an individual but to Israel. Taking the theme of the suffering servant and applying it to Jesus, Gibson colors his Jesus as a substitutionary death. This movie is full of unnecessary, exaggerated torture with little information about the cause of Jesus’ death. Why is there so much violence to Jesus? Who brought Jesus to death? I just felt throughout the movie that there should not be another Jesus who receives enormous torture and injustice.

In our world today too, there are many unjust sufferings. Jesus is a prototype of the most vicious and unjust suffering and death. This way of reading Jesus’ death is certainly plausible and one important avenue through which we may look at the history and meaning of the event.

The cause of Jesus’ death can be constructed in many different ways. In Luke, Jesus’ work as a prophet provokes enemies' anger. Jesus dies as a martyr, not as salvific atonement or substitutionary death; his radical message of justice and egalitarianism led to the cross. In Matthew and Mark, Jesus’ death, somewhat difficult for Jesus himself, is pictured as a good sacrifice for “others.” Here caution is that the sacrifice of Jesus does not automatically mean penal substitutionary death of Jesus. On one hand, the meaning of Jesus’ death can be constructed in the context of different communities behind the gospels. On the other hand, apart from the later communities' meaning of Jesus' death, the cause of Jesus' death can be constructed in a more historical sense, which means analyzing all aspects of life in the world ranging from politics to economy to religion.

As for me, the biggest problem of Gibson’s movie seems to condone the social and political evil of violence and injustice and be blind to the massive power of evil evident in such atrocious, unspeakable torturing and murdering under the cover of a divine plan. The cost of this movie is too high in ways that people do not reflect on such a power of evil – in the form of violence, politics, and the daily lives of ordinary people. The movie’s impression was that “the more violence on Jesus, the holier Jesus is, and the more thankful Christians feel because our sins are paid back.” But again, in another context that I mentioned before, my take on the movie is this: “There should not be another Jesus of unjust suffering and death in this world.” 

This movie should not be considered as a historical film in terms of actual events, but rather as a theological narrative. It was directed and interpreted by Gibson, who adheres to a particular understanding of the significance of Jesus' death. Therefore, if someone views this movie as a historical account, they must differentiate between history and theology.

Lastly, even this theological story, with the vicious or violent role of some Jews and the Romans, should not be related to all Jews in history. Of course, there were not all Jews involved in accusations against Jesus. There were good and faithful people like Mary, Jesus’ mother, Mary Magdalene, disciples, and many nameless women who followed Jesus. Also, we cannot simply equate Jewish ancestors with Jewish people today and in history.

I think the meaning of the cross lies in Jesus's love and grace; he risked his life to preach the gospel of love and justice. We repent because of his love and sacrifice. We die because he died. We rise because he rose. We are reconciled to God through his grace---not through his death. Otherwise, we must pinpoint all forms of evil done to Jesus.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The real certificate arrived

 Thanks to all my supporters. The real one arrived: The President's Lifetime Achievement Award 2024.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A new book is conceived

I feel great because I finally completed the tangible framework for the book proposal I started months ago. I decided not to rush myself. My only goal is quality and appeal to the readers for so long. This book is about mental health from cognitive science and interdisciplinary theological perspectives.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Naming stereotypes

It is essential to recognize that unfair assumptions about individuals based on their gender, sex, age, or race can have a significant impact on their self-esteem and confidence. These biases affect how we perceive ourselves and how we see others, leading to unfavorable outcomes. We must identify and confront these stereotypes to create a more inclusive and equitable society, educating ourselves and others and remaining vigilant about these stereotypes.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Unity or Union?

Unity is the language of an empire. I provoked many evangelicals when this book came out in 2008 because I said Paul's body metaphor is not about unity.

In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Paul uses a body metaphor to talk about our union with Christ and solidarity with fellow members in a beloved community. The metaphor is not about unity or concord (homonoia) borrowed from Stoicism but about creating a diverse and united community through a sense of union anchored to Christ's way of life. In other words, the gist of the body metaphor is about diversity and solidarity rather than unity, which is the language of an empire. "The body of Christ" can also be translated as "the Christic body," which refers to Christlike living and community. This understanding of the body of Christ results from an attributive genitive interpretation.

Advocating for the threefold gospel

I find myself a roaring prophet in my class when I discuss Jesus's teaching and Paul's gospel. They are Jews committed to the common teaching rooted in God's righteousness in their context. Paul, in particular, brought a God-centered theology through the teachings of Jesus, emphasizing the participation of believers anchored in the faith of Jesus. I refer to this understanding of Paul as a threefold gospel/faith/theology, where we see God's righteousness, Jesus's faithfulness, and Christians' participation. This threefold gospel/faith/theology is the cornerstone of my understanding of Paul's teachings, and I have long advocated for it. The more I read Paul's work, the more convinced I become of the significance of this theology and its potential to change lives.

For more about this kind of theology, read my book, How to Read Paul.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Pre-orders are possible

You can pre-order the book through the publisher's website or online retailers like Amazon or Barnes and Noble. One of the most appealing aspects of this book is that the publisher has kept the affordable price in mind for readers because it is a textbook. The book costs only $24 for approximately 300 pages in paperback.

Yung Suk Kim
The Gist of the Book
This book provides a two-fold introduction to the Gospels: a historical, literary introduction and a lens into the diversity of interpretation. The former includes features such as distinctive theological themes, the portrayal of Jesus, parables, notable interpretation issues, and close reading. The latter showcases a wide array of interpretive methods with an illustration.

Key Features
  • This book covers both the critical contents and comprehensive methods of the Gospels.
  • This book includes the most up-to-date perspectives on the Gospels, including womanist interpretation, queer criticism, minoritized criticism, disability studies, and ecological criticism.

  • Readers will gain insight into the historical and literary aspects of the Gospels.
  • Readers will understand distinctive theological themes interlocked with the portrayal of Jesus.
  • Readers will explore each Gospel carefully by reading it closely.
  • Readers will engage with the text and contemporary issues through the “Consider-and-Discuss” boxes.
  • Readers will learn different ways of reading the Gospels (16 perspectives covered).

Friday, March 15, 2024

Award surprises me

To my surprise, I received the 2024 President's Lifetime Achievement Award, given to those who have devoted their energy and time to community service broadly conceived. It recognized my teaching, scholarship, publications, and public/community engagement for almost 20 years. Well, I am not done yet. My journey continues. Bless me.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Bible Study on Luke 5:1-11

Finally, I made it. The following article will be available in the fall 2024 issue of Currents in Theology and Mission: "The Call Story of Peter in Luke 5:1–11: New Vocation through Transformation," which is the revised short version of my Bible Study Presentations at the Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church in 2019. I appreciate the conference team, hundreds of attendees, and especially Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi. Thanks to Dr. Troy Troftgruben, the editor of the said issue.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Words from the Dao De Jing

I write not to forget. I wrote precious words from the Dao De Jing, which I consider the gist of the book (translation is mine). 

Knowing oneself is wisdom.
Seeing small is wisdom.
Overcoming oneself is strength.
Keeping softness is strength.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Feedback from my favorite author

I received feedback from Dr. Jaime Pineda, a neuroscientist, cognitive scientist, and the author of Controlling Mental Chaos. I am very much uplifted because of his positive feedback.
I think your TAB model for mental health and its attempt to bridge our responses to self, God, and neighbors with aspects of mind care is a fascinating idea. I’m glad to see that my ideas inspired some of those connections. I am confident that the equilibrium you speak of can provide the worldview of insights and approaches to strengthen mental health and address the crisis we are currently experiencing. I look forward to hearing more about your development of this theme vis-à-vis psychotheology, moral agency, and political theology in the lives of Jesus and Paul.

For now, I wish you the very best and ongoing success in your creative efforts.

A spacious mind

The meditation topic for today is a spacious mind. How can we cultivate such a mind? I am a bowl of water that shakes effortlessly. How can I be like the sea? I will develop theories and practices about this quality of the mind through interdisciplinary study. I take all humanities subjects seriously and embrace cross-cultural literature and philosophy. See East Asian Philosophy.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Translation of 2 Cor 13:4

2 Cor 13:4 (NA27 Greek Edition)
καὶ γὰρ ἐσταυρώθη ἐξ ἀσθενείας, ἀλλὰ ζῇ ἐκ δυνάμεως θεοῦ. καὶ γὰρ ἡμεῖς ἀσθενοῦμεν ἐν αὐτῷ, ἀλλὰ ζήσομεν σὺν αὐτῷ ἐκ δυνάμεως θεοῦ εἰς ὑμᾶς.

Translation matters. What about "eks astheneias" in 2 Cor 13:4? "In weakness" or "by or because of weakness"? In 2 Cor 13:4, usually, you would see the translation with "Jesus's crucifixion in weakness." For example, NIB and NRSVue have the following:

"4 For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God’s power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God’s power we will live with him in our dealing with you."

"4 For he was crucified in weakness but lives by the power of God. For we are weak in him, but in dealing with you we will live with him by the power of God."

But the plain sense of the Greek phrase "eks astheneias" must be "out of weakness" or "because of weakness." The preposition en, which means "in," was not used there. So CEB translates the phrase as "because of weakness."

"4 Certainly he was crucified because of weakness, but he lives by the power of God. Certainly we also are weak in him, but we will live together with him, because of God’s power that is directed toward you."

While CEB makes explicit that Jesus could not defeat the cross because he was weak, the NIV and NRSVue imply that Jesus suffered the cross as if he were weak. The traditional translation prefers "in weakness," which hints at his voluntary posture of taking the cross---the idea of redemptive sacrifice. He was capable of defeating the cross with his power but he took the form of weakness. Which translation do you think is close to Paul's meaning in context? 

But the CEB emphasizes Jesus's humanity. In fact, we must see the parallels in the verse between "because of weakness" and "because of God's power," as the NASB translates. Both phrases contain the Greek preposition ek or eks, which means "out of, by, because of." So, we can say that Paul juxtaposes Jesus's weakness with God's power. Paul's theology is God-centered. God vindicates Jesus. For Paul, the good news (gospel) is "God-centered, Christ-exemplified, and Christian-proclaimed," as I argued in my book How to Read Paul. We see here the threefold aspects of the gospel. This idea of the threefold gospel is the hallmark of my scholarship. 

4 For indeed He was crucified because of weakness, yet He lives because of the power of God. For we too are weak in Him, yet we will live with Him because of the power of God directed toward you.

Some of my books deal with this issue.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Contacting the author

I contacted Jaime Pineda, the author of Controlling Mental Chaos: Harnessing the Power of the Creative Mind (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023), which I loved so much. He is a neuroscientist who wrote about mental health. He responded to me kindly and agreed to read my book proposal about mental health. Furthermore, he expressed interest in my new book "How to Read the Gospels." He said he may get some insights as he prepares his future book project about mental health, neuroscience, and spirituality. He also expects to collaborate with me in the future. I feel great because of this connection with him and future collaboration. I am curious about what the future holds for me. I love what I do. I enjoy living in the present.

I'd like to recommend the other book I have read, which was written by Arash Javanbakht, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist: Afraid: Understand the Purpose of Fear and Harnessing the Power of Anxiety (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023).

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Mental Health, Mental Care, the Bible, and Ethics

I am developing resources about mental health, mental care, the Bible, and ethics. Check the Mental Health Page on my blog, as I wrote there:

See the positive side of life even if negative things surround you. I do not mean we should ignore the dark side of life. We can face it with a positive attitude. We should not allow negative energy to overwhelm us, seeing shining hope amid despair, visualizing the moment that the stormy clouds will part soon, and recognizing the sun already shining above them. At a time of distress or turmoil, seek God and the Spirit. Listen to your body and attend to each breathing. Thank God for each inhale and exhale. Life is a gift. If there is night, there comes also day.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Excerpts from "How to Read the Gospels"

I finished proofreading the typeset pages of my new book, How to Read the Gospels (forthcoming July 2024). You may pre-order it through online/retailers or from the publisher. I pull the following excerpts from the conclusion chapter: 

As such, interpretation of the Gospels or the stories of Jesus cannot be dominated or domesticated by one group or school. All readers can interpret them carefully from their context and discern what is good. In doing so, we must avoid Biblicism in all our efforts. The Gospels are neither a weapon that tramples other religions or cultures nor the knowledge books that subsume all other books. The Gospels are ongoing stories inviting us to read them through our stories. (p. 244)

Sunday, February 18, 2024

WHY REJOICING ALWAYS: Paul As a Deep Thinker and Mind-Healing Therapist

1 Thess 5:16-22 (NRSV)
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies, 21 but test everything; hold fast to what is good; 22 abstain from every form of evil.
Rejoicing is a desirable attitude toward life and this world. What we see and how we think about what we see will determine our lives. Do we see positive things and energy amid chaos and turmoil? Can we see the hidden power of the Spirit of God in the world? Can we sing the songs of the birds when we hear them? Can we be happy when we see small plants growing in the yard? Can we celebrate the source of our life, which is God? Can we rejoice always under any circumstances? The answer is yes because the source of our joy does not depend on ourselves. So, Paul asks, "Rejoice always." 

When we face the harsh realities of life, feeling sucked in the vortex of life crises, we can pray to God to deal with them wisely and patiently, letting go of groundless fear or worries. Prayer is the time that we invite God to intervene in our minds. We yield to God and realize again who we are. Then, we may navigate rough waves faithfully without being crushed. Since uncertainties and thorns fill us relentlessly, we need to pray without ceasing. That is Paul's insight. 

The last thing Paul asks for is to give thanks in all circumstances. This point of thanks goes back to the importance of rejoicing always. We must count the things we receive from God. We breathe in and out every second. We walk on trails in the park. We eat and talk. We run and rest. We have people whom we love. Most importantly, we are not alone because God is with us.

As we see above, Paul is more than a theologian. Knowing what to think of himself and how to face the world wisely, he knows how to undergo a whirlwind of emotions. He is a deep thinker and mind-healing therapist. His advice is this: "Don't focus on negative things in your life. Focus on what you have. Trust God always because God is more than you think. You are also more than what you see. Rise above from the seat of negativity. See the bright sun rising on you every day."

Monday, February 5, 2024

Critical Imagination

Imagination is necessary to enrich our lives. We can live a new life through imagination. Science has been advanced through new imagination. New discoveries of many things were possible through imagination. We can imagine flying like a bird and can do so through airplane or other means of flying. But if one does not do anything with his/her imagination, nothing will happen. Indeed, we can realize our imagination variously. 

But how to realize it is crucial. If one goes up a mountain and jumps off from a cliff or mountaintop, that person will be killed in a few seconds. This kind of imagination is so naïve that even one’s life may be lost. But if a person invents new things to ride on or uses a hang glider, he/she can fly like a bird. Thus what we need is imaginative power combined with critical, self-critical thinking. 

I observe the importance of critical imagination in my book: 

Biblical Interpretation:
Theory, Process, and Criteria


Amos N. Wilder also observes: 
Imagination is a necessary component of all profound knowing and celebration; all remembering, realizing, and anticipating; all faith, hope, and love. When imagination fails doctrines become ossified, witness and proclamation wooden, doxologies and litanies empty, consolations hollow, and ethics legalistic … Then that which once gave life begins to lull and finally to suffocate us.

*See Amos Wilder, Theopoetic: Theology and the Religious Imagination (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1976), 2. 

Helpful Diagrams for Biblical Interpretation

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Gospel Media

I enjoyed Nicholas Elder's book, Gospel Media. I reviewed it at Amazon. This book is very informative and informs readers of the variety of gospel media practices. Mark textualizes the precedent oral traditions for proclamation. Among other things, I like his emphasis on paratexts of the Synoptic Gospels and John's colophon, which help us understand different uses of the manuscripts for different kinds of readers: εὐαγγέλιον (Mark 1:1); βίβλος (Matt 1:1); διήγησις (Luke 1:1); βιβλίον (John 20:30).

Monday, January 1, 2024

New Year

2024, a new year has dawned. I will live a simple, content life every day. I will plan things without ambition and execute them gradually. I will focus on myself and won't complain about others. I will thank God for all I have. I will learn humbly, teach confidently, and write clearly.

God says to me in my heart: "You are my servant, the beloved; with you I am well pleased. Empower my people and teach them what they need."