1 Thess 5:16: "Rejoice always"(cf, Phil 4:4-7)
-Why should we rejoice always?
-Rejoice over what? How possible it can be always?
It is because of the goodness of God. It is possible because God is with us. It is because God provided us with a gift of life. God allowed for all things around us. Nature, flowers, and animals surround us. We are not alone. We must sense and feel the love of God in the world.
1 Thess 5:18: "Give thanks in all circumstances"
-Find what you have received from God. Count them. Be specific about your gratefulness for something or someone or community. It does not mean you cannot thank God if you don't find it at all or when things are rough. If you can eat well, or breathe smoothly, that is an enormous blessing and thanksgiving. When you are sick, can you thank God? Yes, we can do so not because we are sick but because we believe God will care for our souls. That means "in all circumstances" we can depend on God and give thanks to him. Regardless of the result or future, we can thank God for our life and his everlasting love for us. Because we know nothing or no one can separate us from the love of God, we can thank God (Rom 8:37-39).
1 Thess 5:17: "Pray without ceasing"
Praying to God means surrendering to God. We must acknowledge we are not the source of life. Always and whatever happens, we must ask God to let your will be done in our lives. Without worries, let your requests be known to God (Phil 4:6).
In the end, Paul asks believers to rejoice always, give thanks always, and pray always. If we don't keep this practice, our spiritual life will wither and die out. Not only our spirit but our soul and whole body will be suffocated and die.
Special lecture 2024 Dec (in Korea)
Preaching Commentary on Matthew 21:23-32, Working Preacher, 10/1/23
Preaching Commentary on Matthew 21:33-46, Working Preacher, 10/8/23
Preaching Commentary on Matthew 22:1-14, Working Preacher, 10/15/23
Preaching Commentary on Matthew 22:15-22, Working Preacher, 10/22/23
Preaching Commentary on Acts 19:1-7," Working Preacher, 1/10/21
Preaching Commentary on 2 Cor 4:3-6, Working Preacher, 2/14/21
Preaching Commentary on 2 Corinthians 5:20b—6:10, Working Preacher, 2/17/21
Preaching Commentary on 1 Pet 3:18-22, Working Preacher, 2/21/21
Preaching Commentary on 1 Cor 12:1-11,” Working Preacher, 1/20/19
Preaching Commentary on 1 Cor 12:12-31a,” Working Preacher, 1/27/19
Preaching Commentary on 1 Cor 13:1-13,” Working Preacher, 2/3/19
Preaching Commentary on Rom 10:8b-13,” Working Preacher, 3/10/19
Preaching Commentary on 1 Cor 13:1-13,” Working Preacher, 2/3/19
Preaching Commentary on Rom 10:8b-13,” Working Preacher, 3/10/19
“Between Text and Sermon: Hebrews 11:8–16," Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, 72.2 (2018) 204-206 (ATLA access)
"Communal Revival and the New Testament," Ellison-Jones Convocation, VUU 2021
Clergy Workshop
At the ABC of Wisconsin's annual conference in 2024, I led an in-depth, three-hour clergy workshop exploring the relationships between race/ethnicity, the Gospels, and Jesus. Workshop material PDF Clergy Bible Study
I share my bible study material which I used in the Bible Study at the American Baptist Churches of the South Conference, on May 2, 2024, in Richmond, Virginia (Marriott Hotel): "Proclaim Boldly the Word of God to All" (Acts 13:42-52)
UMC Conference Bible Study
I have led three morning Bible Study sessions at the 2019 UMC Western PA Annual Conference, in Grove City College, PA. The following videos were made by the team of the WPAUMC.
Day 1 (6/6/2019)
Day 2
Day 3
(Korean) Lecture
Day 2
Day 3
(Korean) Lecture
at Hanshin Graduate School of Theology, Seoul, Korea (2018)