Friday, September 17, 2021

Concerning Diversity

Diversity means many things or elements must be considered and honored in human lives. In education, diversity means a few things. The diversity of students are entitled to receive a good education. Also, educators must consider the diversity of pedagogy for them. Teachers must be diverse in their educational background, cultural experience, and race/ethnic composition.

Diversity does not mean that one stays in a comfort zone, sticking to one's own, never communicating with or opening to others. Diversity does not merely promote group allegiance or sectarianism. Flocking together with those who share similar things (usually by gender or culture) is not the same as the spirit of diversity. Diversity seeks the whole of diversity in which all need to participate in ways that they keep particulars based on differences and yet engage with others. I deplore superficial identity politics or in-group binding based on allegiance morality that does not seek to pursue the well-being of the whole people or world.