Wednesday, April 24, 2024

I often ask myself: Who am I? What am I doing here?

I often ask myself: Who am I? What am I doing here? What kind of a scholar am I? Am I a biblical scholar or a New Testament scholar? Am I a biblical theologian or biblical interpreter? Am I a humanist who loves God and humanity at the same time? Am I a minority scholar struggling day by day? Am I a marginalized scholar voicing bold voices yet breathing short sometimes? I am very self-conscious and conscientious in all my walks and work. A year ago, Professor William P. Brown at Columbia Theological Seminary told me I was like Walter Brueggemann because my scholarship's breadth and direction are close to his. I agree. Some years ago, Larry Welborn at Fordham University told me I was like Dale Allison because of his critical scholarship with contextual concerns. All I know is I am I am. All I know is that I live in the present. I open my mind to hear new voices and follow them. I am not in low spirits. I am confident and curious about the future that holds for me.