Saturday, October 9, 2021

"The Story of Hannah From a Perspective of Han"

One reader matters! I received this message via email from an unknown person:
Good morning Professor Kim,
I just wanted to let you know that I came across your article "The Story of Hannah From a Perspective of Han" while preparing for a short devotional on Hannah’s prayer and honestly I was blown away! I had never either encountered your work or been introduced to this idea of thinking about theological concepts with anthropological embedded ideas and diversity frameworks (Korean-cultural lens). It was beautiful, inspiring, a breath of fresh air, and so exciting. I spent over four hours just reflecting on a couple of your thoughts and can’t wait to spend many more continuing to build on your ideas. I’m writing to say, from one follower of Jesus to another, THANK YOU! I was so blessed by your thinking and writing. May God continue to bless your work and your ministry is my prayer. Blessings on all this week will bring your way.