Friday, January 31, 2025

2024 Ellison-Jones Convocation

I remember speaking at the faculty panel during the annual 2024 Ellison-Jones Convocation. I felt energized as I discussed the implications of biblical studies for politics. We must approach our studies with honesty and transparency, and there are no sacred topics that we should avoid or shy away from.

My talk is entitled “The Danger of a Singular Order: Joshua’s Conquest Narrative of Canaan, Jesus’s Dealing with a Canaanite Woman, and Christian Nationalists’ Reading of the Bible.” A briefer title for publication is "The Danger of a Singular Order: Engaging with Some Controversial Texts."

One thing significantly lacking in libertarian hermeneutics and homiletics is self-criticism.
Yes, we need self-knowledge that we are precious and weak (frail).
Yes, we need social change. We can be critical of others and other things.
But we need more than anything; that is self-criticism, which is not the same as criticizing the self.
Self-criticism is a recognition that we all need continual awakening. We all need deconstruction.

Toward that goal, we must study and read various things, including books, society, and the self.
  • The danger of a singular order
  • Oppressors and the oppressed are everywhere: external and internal
  • True liberation from everything and everywhere
  • God’s effectiveness to those who change