Thursday, April 15, 2021

QUOTES from Yung Suk Kim

"A good teacher satisfies students, a wonderful teacher teaches what they need, and an ideal teacher teaches them with love, helping them to teach themselves" (Yung Suk Kim, 4/8/2021).

"A good student follows the teacher's instruction, a remarkable student asks critical and self-critical questions, and a formidable student knows that learning is limitless" (Yung Suk Kim, 4/8/2021).

"A good author satisfies readers, an admirable author stimulates their interest, and an exceptional author creates new needs for them" (Yung Suk Kim, 4/7/2021).

"I am not a pure academician who is merely digging in the past as if I have the truth about it. Even history is not obvious; it must be interpreted carefully. I am a bit of everything: historian, theologian, humanist, realist, lover of wisdom, and advocate of justice and love." --from my YouTube video:

"I don't admire an ivory tower thinker, let alone a shallow thinker with a big mouth" (Yung Suk Kim, 4/15/2021).

“Truth is more than trustable knowledge; it is deeply experiential, confessional, and contextual. It should be engaged in a community that he or she lives, embodied in a world ... requires a life that engages the way.” --Yung Suk Kim, Truth, Testimony, and Transformation (Cascade Books, 2013).