Saturday, July 4, 2020

Unmerciful Servant

Jesus tells the parable of the unmerciful servant because of Peter’s question: "How many times should one forgive?" Jesus answers: “Seventy times seven.” 

Discuss the king’s act of forgiving a huge debt (10,000 talents) at once. However, his forgiveness did not work out well because his slave did not forgive his fellow slave, who owed him only 100 denarii, a peanut amount. Could the king deal with his slave differently from the beginning? Obviously, the problem does not lie in the king but in his slave, who did not forgive his fellow slave.

Think about the notion of “too easy or too fast forgiveness” in our life situation. Does it work?

Evaluate the claim that members in the community must forgive one another endlessly. How can this thing happen decently? What is the sufficient condition to make this possible?