Sunday, November 3, 2019

Key concepts in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)

חֶסֶד (hesed): mercy, kindness, love
God is hesed. Therefore, people should be also kind and loving with one another. 
*For example: Book of Ruth

שׁוּב (shuv): to turn back
Because God is the way, people should turn back to him. That is what "repentance" means. The equivalent word in Greek is metanoia (μετάνοια). 
*For example: Prophetic books

צְדָקָה (tsedaqah): righteousness
God is the one who is righteous, the basis of human existence and action. 
*See Note on Amos 5:21-24

מִשְׁפָּט (mishpat): justice
Because God is righteous, people should seek justice in all spheres of life. 
*See Note on Amos 5:21-24

TaNaKh: Torah (תּוֹרָה), Neviim (נְבִיאִים), Ketuvim (כְּתוּבִים