Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Year 2025

This year comes to a close. It's like a single day. I am brimming with optimism for the next year, fueled by a renewed sense of purpose and energy. In August 2025, my teaching career will have reached 20 years. My new term begins on January 13. On another note, I have been invited to lead a special Bible Study session at a local United Methodist Church, which I find thrilling. The pastor contacted me requesting that I teach one adult Bible study session in January 2025. Interestingly, she asked me to teach them about parables and justice, which is the topic of my ongoing book project. Given the church's proximity to my residence, I gladly accepted the invitation. Today, I prepared a comprehensive 14-page slides. Happy New Year!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Thanks to God!

Thanks to God, a new book project was conceived based on my lectures in Korea. I extend my gratitude to my colleagues and supporters who attended those lectures. This book will honor their hopes.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

전주특강: 성서해석과 렌즈: 변화를 향한 렌즈의 점검과 적용 (Korean)

24년 12월에 한국방문시, 아주 추운 어느 겨울날, 전주에서 했던 강연이다. 영상촬영과 편집은 그 교회 장로님께서 하시고 자신의 계정에 올리셨다. 장소를 허락하신 전주 중앙교회 노병진 목사님께 감사한다. 강연 제목은 "성서해석과 렌즈: 변화를 향한 렌즈의 점검과 적용." 전체적 행사를 기획하고 후원하신 성경과설교연구원 우진성 박사에게 감사드린다. 서울과 전주에서 한 강연중 이 비디오는 전주의 강연을 담은 것이다. 이 날 나와 함께한 이화여대 박희규 교수의 강연도 찾아볼 수 있다.

The recap of my travels to Korea (Dec 2024)

I just returned from my travels to Korea. I blogged about my experiences there. Thanks to all my friends, colleagues, and participants in Korea.

1. Hanshin Church https://drkimys.blogspot.com/2024/12/blog-post.html
2. Yonsei University https://drkimys.blogspot.com/2024/12/lecture-at-yonsei-university.html
3. Ewha Womans University https://drkimys.blogspot.com/2024/12/lecture-at-ewha-womans-university.html
4. Jeonju City https://drkimys.blogspot.com/2024/12/speaking-jeonju-2024.html
5. Politics https://drkimys.blogspot.com/2024/12/dec-14-2024.html

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Visit to Korea 2024 Dec

I had a truly memorable experience during my visit to Korea. The stability of democracy is dependent on the active participation of ordinary citizens, with a particular emphasis on young people. I am reassured to see Korean democracy avoiding a return to the instability that characterized the country 45 years ago when a military coup traumatized me. The impeachment of Yoon is a significant development. On a separate note, it is noteworthy that young people, primarily those in their 20s and 30s, are becoming increasingly awakened. This generation witnessed the tragedies of the Sewol Ferry and Itaewon Crowd Crush. Moreover, they are the children of parents who fought against military dictatorship. Han Kang asks: Can the past help the present? Can the dead save the living? The answer is Yes. Those who sacrificed for democracy saved people in the present.


Friday, December 13, 2024

Speaking (Jeonju 2024)

I am glad to have shared thoughts about the Bible and transformation in Jeonju City (Jeonju Joongang Church, Dec 12, 2024). I explored the importance of critical, contextual interpretation of scriptures and reiterated the power of the self in one's life. The self must be rooted in God's love without which one cannot stand. YouTube video



Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Lecture at Ewha Womans University (Dec 4, 2024)

I had an excellent time lecturing and talking with these young brilliant students at Ewha Womans University. I will always remember it. Their questions were timely and sharp. My topic was Paul's Theology, Community, and Women. Professor Kyungmi Park extended an invitation to me. Long live Ewha! 
*Photo courtesy of So-Jeong Yoon (Teaching Assistant)



Lecture at Yonsei University (Dec 3, 2024)

My lecture title: "The Samaritan as a Paragon of Self-Love (Luke 10:25-37)"

The idea that self-love is found in the parable of the Good Samaritan is not a typical trend, but there is a clue we can see it. Without true self-love, no true love of neighbor!


Monday, December 2, 2024

Lecture on Hermeneutics and Transformation

Lecture on Hermeneutics and Transformation at Hanshin Church 

(성서해석과 렌즈: 변화를 향한 렌즈점검과 적용) 

Dec 2, 2024

Hundreds of people gathered to listen to me and my colleague. I talked about the importance of critical, contextual interpretation. Every interpretation is contextual and must be tested. Scripture involves transformative elements if engaged well. My colleague, Professor Heidi Park, talked about the power of scripture in a pastoral context.