Friday, September 20, 2024

"The Call Story of Peter in Luke 5:1-11: New Vocation through Transformation"

I am excited that my article, "The Call Story of Peter in Luke 5:1-11: New Vocation through Transformation," was published just now.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Critical Transparent Scholarship

Critical and transparent scholarship posits that anything, whether it be ideology, institutions, states, or religions, is open to critique. A critical evaluation of Christianity or Judaism does not necessarily make one anti-Christianity or anti-Judaism. Similarly, any religion or human construct is open to criticism. Critical and transparent scholars must acknowledge their limitations and be open to new ideas or criticisms. If they are not, they are essentially "imperial" scholars in a different form.  

Monday, September 16, 2024

Colorblind society?

Some argue that we should strive for a colorblind society where race does not matter. Others believe that race does matter and that achieving a colorblind society is an illusion. A colorblind society may be possible in heaven, but here on earth, we inevitably live with certain traits, whether racial, physical, ethnic, or of any other sort. This implies that biases against others will persist, and this unfortunate and persistent reality in the world is not disappearing. Therefore, we must remain vigilant about all these detrimental effects on others. On a positive note, race matters because it contributes to the diversity and richness of society.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Featured in the Unionite

I am honored to be featured in the Unionite Spring/Summer 2024. Online

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Today's world, not for tomorrow's world

I teach students for today's world, not for tomorrow's world. It is my philosophy. Tomorrow will be hollow without today. For some, it can be hellish or a hallucination. People live today and must feel happy today. Dreaming of a better future is good, but that should not prevent us from living fully today. 

People must tackle issues in the present. They must be leaders for today's world.